2 stars

I received a copy of this book through Goodreads in exchange for an honest review.I finished this book this morning and have been putting off writing my review all day, because I still am not really sure how I feel about it.So this is the author’s second book about Biocentrism. I have not read the first book and honestly, it took me forever to figure out what biocentrism even was, because the authors just talked about a ton of background information and never actually gave an definition of biocentrism. For anyone wondering, biocentrism focuses on biology (and physics) and the role the observer/consciousness plays in the creation of the universe, not really a shocker considering Lanza is a biologist. Really this book just left me thinking, what’s the point? Why is this an important concept? Why should people read this book? And by the end, I wasn’t left with any answers.Possibly it is because Lanza believes that there is only one Being/entity/everything in the universe is one, and therefore there is no “other”, so perhaps he didn’t try hard enough to convince the “other” that he thinks doesn’t exist.While I am on board with a lot of what Lanza proposes, I still wasn’t sure why it was so important that people (besides scientists) should read this book. In the last chapter, Lanza specifically states three reasons why this view is important (one of which is basically “because it makes sense”, which isn’t really a reason at all), but they felt unsatisfactory and not very convincing.For anyone with a knowledge of physics, you can skip basically the first half of the book, because Lanza just summarizes some things going on in physics and dedicates a whole chapter to the different variations of the double slit experiments. It’s really not until the end that he even proposes anything at all. He just foreshadows how biocentrism will fix all the flaws in modern-day thinking.Overall, I was kind of disappointed by the book, because while I personally believe a lot of what Lanza says (and believed it before reading the book), I don’t think he really brings anything new to the table with this book. While i think biocentrism could be an important concept for developing research in a new direction, I’m not really sure it’s something that everyone needs to believe.