5 stars


I never took a physics coarse. In high school, when I mentioned I was thinking about taking physics, my boyfriend at the time told me it would be too hard for me and that I shouldn’t take it. So like the naive kid I was, I didn’t take it. Needless to say, that relationship didn’t last.

Thankfully, Neil deGrasse Tyson is the guy who wants you to take physics. He wants everybody to understand physics. He wants it so much that he wrote a whole about astrophysics for people who don’t know a thing about physics.

This is a great read. A few weeks ago, I listened to the audiobook version. Unfortunately, there were a few drawbacks. I am very much a visual learner so listening to the book was difficult for me. I didn’t feel like I was retaining the information. Also, Neil deGrasse Tyson has an insanely soothing voice. His reading sounds lovely, but it was hard for me to really take in the words he was saying. So I got a physical copy of the book and gave it a read.

I loved it. It is a great book that is relatively easy to understand. There were parts I had to reread to really understand them (another benefit to the hardcover copy), but overall it was explained in a simple way.

This slim book is filled with tons of facts and information. It is a fascinating and informative read.

I highly recommend.