by Gene Luen Yang

Illustrated by Gurihiru

3 stars

Continues the story established in Part 1. I checked out the first two books from the library together and didn’t realize there was a third book, so I was thinking this would wrap up more quickly. Still, this one offers a nice break from the major tension established in the first book.

Interspersed throughout the main conflict are side plots such as Toph’s students taking on Fire Nation students in a bending competition and Aang meeting his fan club in Ba Sing Se. Because of this, there isn’t a ton of development with Zuko’s storyline. It was still an interesting read though and I do always appreciate a good Toph story. And I didn’t mind seeing less of Aang and Katara and their “oogies”-inducing cutesiness.

Continues to blend humor, adventure, and social commentary.

Overall, an interesting read. Already requested the third book to see how everything comes plays out.
