Featuring Dorian Alexander, Archie Bongiovanni, Sage Coffey, Shelby Criswell, Dylan Edwards, Julia Bernhard, JB Brager, Rosa Colon Guerra, Max Dlabick, Trinidad Escobar, Mady G, Alex Graudins, Binglin Hu, Shing Yin Khor, Kazimir Lee, Melanie Gillman, Levi Hastings, Robyn Jordan, Maia Kobabe, Matt Lubchansky, Mariah-Rose Marie, Jason Michaels, Sfe R. Monster, Breena Nunez, Elisabet Run, Ria Martinez, Sarah Mirk, Hazel Newlevant, Nero O’Reilly, Joey Alison Sayers, Taneka Stotts, Scout Tran, Delta Vasquez, Sam Wallman, Alison Wilgus, Alexis Sudgen, Josh Trujillo, Sasha Velour, Kendra Wells, and Bianca Xunise

3 stars

A wide range of comics on a variety of topics including historical figures, asexuality, the Lavender Scare, coming out, not feeling queer enough, and how queerness is treated around the world. A nice mix of humor, relatability, history, and social commentary.

There’s a nice variety of art styles as well. From bright and colorful to dark and gritty, cartoonish to realistic. A nice way to find artists and authors you enjoy.

A few comics I especially enjoyed were Maia Kobabe‘s “Dancing with Pride”, Joey Alison Sayers‘ “A Lifetime of Coming Out”, Elisabet Run’s “I Am More Than My Chromosomes”, Julia Bernhard‘s “Take a Hint”, and Mady G.‘s “The Wonderfully Queer World of Moomin”.

An interesting, thought-provoking read that explores various aspects of queerness.
