3 stars

A nice overview of the history of My Little Pony from the original My Pretty Pony to Friendship is Magic and Equestria Girls.

The book is broken down into short sections. Information includes how My Little Pony got its start, the different generations up to 2018 (stops at Generation 4), and ways fans have come together through conventions and volunteering. I especially enjoyed the section on how the community works together to spread friendship and joy.

Includes information on the movies, shows, and toy lines. There are full-color photographs throughout as well as short breakout sections with interesting information.

At the back is a timeline of events and a glossary of terms highlighted throughout the book. There are also further resources suggested for finding out more. Would work well for doing a report or research on the My Little Pony franchise.

Overall, a short but fun read that gives a little history to the various iterations of My Little Pony.
