3 stars

Based on the novel by James Howe and Deborah Howe

A fun graphic novel adaptation of the spooky classic. The book sticks closely to the original tale, complete with Chester, the wannabe vampire slayer, Harold, the trusty narrator with conflicting interests, and Bunnicula, the mysterious new addition to the family.

As with the original, the animals get up to all sorts of hijinks including disaster dinners, nightly stakeouts, and some rather smelly vampire protections. Perhaps it’s the nostalgia talking, but I remember the original having more of a spooky vibe. The illustration style plays up the silly rather than the creepy in this adaptation. Works well for vampire fans who don’t want things to get too scary.

Overall, a fun read. Happy to see a resurged interest in this vampiric classic. A nice way to connect generations of readers. 
