4 stars

Another wonderful story following Nory and her friends in the Upside-Down Magic program, along with some new ones made along the way.

In the fourth book, the kids in the Upside-Down Magic class head to Dragon Haven for three days to learn about and interaction with real dragons. Yet unexpected surprises are in store for them all as they continue to learn to control their magical abilities as well as interact with magic students from another school.

This one focuses mostly on Nory and Andres, giving insight into his experiences as an Upside-Down Flyer. Along the way topics of exclusion, confidence, and perspective-taking are incorporated. We’re also introduced to another type of magic, double talent, in which a person has control over two types of magic.

A great continuation of the series, celebrating diversity and inclusion. I love the way the series has developed with the characters learning to embrace their talents instead of being embarrassed by them. There are many great lessons worked into the books in ways that are still fun, engaging, and interesting. There’s plenty of magic, dragons, and shenanigans while still presenting positive ways to view differentness and individuality.

I will say, if you haven’t read the other books in the series, I’d start there. While there is some backtracking on events that happened in the other books, much of the world setup will be confusing and not make much sense if you haven’t read the series from the beginning.

Looking forward to book 5.
