5 stars


I don’t even know exactly what it is that makes me love Giant Days so much. I usually don’t like realistic fiction. I’m much more of a fantasy/sci-fi/dystopian kind of person. I love Rat Queens and Saga, Y: The Last Man and Bitch Planet. But this series is just so perfect. It’s funny and relatable and amazing. It is just so well-rounded and entertaining in a way that also makes you think. Great series. I can’t get enough of it.

I also really like Max Sarin’s illustrations. She’s not afraid to draw the female characters with a wide range of expressions, even if they don’t look attractive. That’s something I always hated about traditional superhero comics. Why are all the women gorgeous all the time? Now that I’m older and I know about the male gaze and all that I get it, but I love that there are great artists out there who let the characters look, act, and feel like real people. I just love these illustrations. They are amazing.

Overall, a great book. So entertaining to read and enjoy. I cannot wait to read volume 3.

