4 stars

This is my favorite book in the series of those I’ve read so far (Also, so excited to see another elusive girl main character in this series!).

Tarshis nicely handles the respecting wildlife storyline that was so clumsily presented in I Survived the Shark Attacks of 1916. I really appreciate that, though certainly dangerous, the bears in this story are not the villains. Humans are presented as the problem and changes are made to help prevent future incidents.

Unlike the other books I’ve read in the series, this one jumps into the action nearly immediately. Usually the books take a lot of time to present the setting and the issue the character is struggling with before the actual disaster/event. This one gives a bit of background then throws the reader into the action. A much more interesting reading experience. At the end of each chapter, I wanted to know what happened next.

Fast-paced with good information worked in about grizzly behaviors, how to make your presence known when hiking, and what to do if you come across a grizzly. The backmatter reinforces this information and includes a diagram on how to tell grizzlies from black bears, a brief history of grizzly populations in America, and further resources to explore.

An exciting read that works in dealing with grief, respecting and protecting wildlife, and the power to make change. 
