2 stars

I’ve come to the conclusion this series just isn’t for me.

When the Webtoon was getting a lot of hype, I gave it a try. Even a few episodes in, I just couldn’t get into the story. I was hoping it was just the episodic fashion and this would be alleviated in book format. However, after reading this, I met with the same disappointment.

I’ll start by saying the artwork is gorgeous. The use of color is fantastic and overall the art is lovely to look at.

As far as story goes though, this one just did not interest me. I was a little disappointed because I love retellings and mythology so I thought this would be right up my alley. For me, the story just drags. Nothing really happens. There’s no resolution and not even much interaction between Persephone and Hades in this very chunky first volume. We barely make any headway in the story and are just left waiting for something to happen.

Also, the character design wasn’t for me. The women are often portrayed in the back-bending-so-far-it-would-break comicbook style characteristic of old superhero comics. I know the book supposed to be sexy, but at times it really doesn’t fit with the characters. Persephone is in training to be a sacred virgin and is self-conscious of others seeing her body, then poses in all these weird positions that could not be comfortable, even when no one else is around.

Much of the comic felt voyeuristic and had too much of the male gaze style for me. Even when alone, the women pose in such odd ways that don’t feel natural at all. Again, I know it’s a sexy reboot of the characters, but the men pretty much just stand around while the women strike weird sexy poses that make so sense in context.

The characters also did not have much consistency, which made it difficult for me to connect with them. We spend most of the time with Persephone. One moment she’s doing all she can to cover up in the dress Artemis lent her and the next Artemis has to remind her about pants and keeps yanking the hem of her shirt down to cover up her underwear while Persephone talks to a person she literally just met.

The overplay of Persephone’s naivety and innocence at times also grated on me. She’s so small and trusting and most of the time the other characters manhandle her around the book. She doesn’t really get to do much. Innocence isn’t necessarily bad, but when it drags through the entire book, it just doesn’t connect me to the character. It makes all the male attention extra creepy. Yes, at times it’s suppose to be, but it doesn’t really make me root for Hades either.

Still, the artwork is stunning. I liked to see how some of the myths were adapted. But overall this just wasn’t my style. Too voyeuristic and slow for me personally. I can see why so many people like it, but it’s just not for me.
