2 stars

Okay read, definitely not my favorite PJ Masks story.

The book is based on the show, but because it is a Level One book, it’s kind of choppy and confusing. I don’t understand the whole Giving Owl thing. It’s supposed to teach that giving things to others feels good, but the message gets kind of muddled in the simplicity of the book.

Luna Girl ends up stealing the statue and Owlette understandably wants it back, because giving someone something and having someone steal something from you are two different things, right? I was kind of confused why Gekko and Catboy wanted Owlette to just let Luna Girl steal the statue. Way to reinforce villains taking whatever they want? It makes sense for Owlette to give Luna Girl the statue at the end, but it didn’t seem right to want to let her steal it.

There’s probably an important lesson somewhere in this mess, but it gets really confusing. Good pictures for PJ Masks fans, but I would pass this up for any of the other PJ Masks titles.