3 stars

This is a cute book about loving your hair for its uniqueness. A great book about hair acceptance.

The illustrations are great and show various hair styles and textures (puffs, dreadlocks, curls, Bantu knots). The rhymes were a little confusing as each hair style is equated with an activity, which doesn’t really make sense and seems a little limiting (“Princesses with head wraps take long naps.” “Princesses with twists wrap gifts.”) They were interesting rhymes, but didn’t really seem to contect (What about girls with curls who don’t wear pearls or girls who don’t have braids but love parades?)

While this book is very diverse in terms of skin color and hair type, it pretty much focuses on the standard stereotypical girlie-girl princess (dresses, bows, flowers, etc.). The only princesses who wear shorts/pants are bouncing on the bed and may be wearing pajamas? It’s good for girls who like that kind of princess, but a bit limiting for girls who aren’t into ultra-feminine things.

A good book in terms of hair acceptance and loving your hair, but I was really confused by the rhyming activities. Great illustrations though despite the focus on girlie-girl princesses. Overall, a cute book.

