2 stars

Thoughts on Rapunzel’s Royal Wedding:

Kind of interesting, because it is basically what was happening at the actual wedding during Rapunzel’s Wedding Day while Maximus and Pascal were trying to get the rings back.

Cute story, but not much happened. It was just basically what Rapunzel had to do to get ready for her wedding day (way to not help out, Eugene!). I did like seeing more stories with Rapunzel’s brown hair after feeling gypped during Tangled: The Series when Rapunzel get’s her magical blonde hair back (Brunettes, unite!).

Nice illustrations, although what kind of monsters eat wedding cake with a spoon!?

Thoughts on Belle’s Royal Wedding:

Similar style to the Rapunzel story. It was cute and the illustrations were nice, but not much happened. I did think it was weird reading about their wedding and never knowing what “The Prince’s” name is. Minor thing that isn’t really important, but as I’m an adult, I’m like, “So what does she call him? She’s like ‘Good morning, Prince’ and ‘Can you pass the salt, Prince?'” Seems weird. Anyway, the story was fine, if you like the whole Beauty and the Beast thing. I’m firmly on the Stockholm Syndrome side of the argument, but whatever.

Okay books. My only real commentary is on the weirdness of books written for children about princess weddings. Yes, we all know girls are supposed to grow up and marry the prince at a lavish wedding that they are supposed to plan. Let’s give them some real adventures, huh?