Illustrated by Gordy Wright

4 stars

A fascinating read filled with interesting facts, gorgeous art, and a passion for science. I love that the book forces on the history of sharks. It was so cool to learn about the different extinction events and how shark-like animals have changed over time. This goes beyond your basic shark book.

Throughout are breakout sections that cover different features of sharks such as their teeth, skin, shape, and senses as well as profiles of specific prehistoric and modern sharks. Forster covers plenty of less popular sharks like wobbegong sharks, sawsharks, and Greenland sharks along with the usual hammerheads and whale sharks.

The text was kid-friendly and fascinating, working in interesting facts and bits of humor.

Loved the oversized style of the book. The artwork is so wonderful and having huge pages really brought out all the details. The text is also fairly large, which worked well.

At the back are tips on how to help sharks as well as a list of resources used.

A fantastic book, perfect for those interested in sharks, prehistory, marine life, and science in general.
