Looking for a Jumbie by Tracey Baptiste, Illustrated by Amber Ren

5 stars An impressive picture book debut from Tracey Baptiste, author of The Jumbies series, this gorgeous book weaves an enchanting tale of a moonlit stroll to find some jumbies. Great for those already familiar with jumbies as well as those experiencing them for the first time. Featuring a Douen, a Lagahoo, Mama D’Leau, and many more,…

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Rise of the Jumbies (The Jumbies #2) by Tracey Baptiste

3 stars A good follow up to the first book. This one starts off right where the last one ended. I was glad to see new characters and situations in this one. It is a completely new adventure while continuing elements and themes found in the previous book. While there are some explanations of what…

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The Jumbies (The Jumbies #1) by Tracey Baptiste

4 stars An interesting read filled with magic, adventure, and elements of Haitian folklore. As Baptiste points out in her Author’s note, in comparison to European fairy tales, there are not a lot of Haitian folklore and jumbie fairy tales in mainstream literature. It’s great to see this series start to fill that gap. The…

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