3 stars

Overall, this was an entertaining start to a series featuring mythical creatures, powerful Elders, and an alchemist that’s a few hundred years old.

The writing was decent. I found some of the sections trivial but I stuck around for the adventures and cool connections to mythology/legends and was not disappointed. I didn’t necessarily connect with any of the characters. They feel rather two-dimensional but there is enough action to compensate for this.

The book is certainly dated with all of its references to what once was modern technology. This adds an interesting contrast to the more fantastical elements in the book.

This is an action-packed adventure with fight scenes, fantastic creatures, and characters pulled from the pages of history and legend. With so much going on, it is surprising the entire book only spans two days.

A very creative endeavor that weaves together various lore to create an interconnected world full of possibilities. Not one of my favorites, but I still enjoyed it and would like to continue the series to see what stems from this interesting introduction.
