5 stars

What a remarkable and gorgeous books. This is the first I’ve read from Schwab but will certainly not be the last.

A fantastic concept, a wonderfully lyrical style, and a lifetime not easily forgotten.

After finishing it, I can definitely see why there are those who absolutely love it and those not so much. This story is quite meandering. It takes the reader on a journey, not a fast-paced adventure, but an entire life as it unfolds. The book takes its time, weaving its tale like a woman who has all the time in the world and the one desire to make a mark, to leave an impression, to be remembered.

With that said, if you go into this wanting a quick read, you’ll probably be disappointed. This is a book that’s best enjoyed piece by piece, savored and immersed into. It is a story that beautifully weaves events through time into a tapestry of wonders. For best results, I’d say go into this when you aren’t looking for a quick read/not behind on your Goodreads goals. Giving it the time it deserves and letting yourself enjoy its complexity will lead to a more satisfying reading experience.

I found this work absolutely stunning. It was perfect in its entirety. While there were times I was frustrated with the way things were unfolding or bored by the pace, by the end everything felt right. All the pieces came together, not in a picture-perfect way that rang false, but in a truly authentic fashion. Everything felt as it should, for better or for worse, a life lived.
