5 stars

A perfect pairing of art and story. Chabbert’s story cuts to the heart, while Maurel’s artwork gives a beautiful and haunting look into the inter world we hold inside ourselves. An absolutely fantastic read. It is at once heart-breaking and soul-healing as it explores hope and loss and hope again. A wonderful journey that has its ups and downs like rocking on a gentle tide.

Beautiful use of color to match mood. The book starts off in full color then fades to black and white. Little splashes of color pop back onto the page as the main character deals with her loss.

I am so happy that Chabbert shared part of her story in this format. It explores an experience that all too many can relate to and provides hope for a time beyond grief, when color slowly creeps back into one’s world.

Absolutely stunning in its tiny moments and pauses when no words are necessary. A truly powerful read. 
